Outreach Ministry

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;  fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

- Proverbs 1:7


College Ministries

The Holy Love College Ministry focuses on blessing those pursuing higher education. The blessings are anything from words of encouragement to food to financial blessings. We just would like to let them know on a monthly basis that we're proud of them

Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me”.

College Minstry Lead: Tiara Washington

We currently have two students perusing degrees, Sister Raejanay at Barclay College and Sister Kiki at Picken’s Technical College. If you would like to send them a card for encouragement, please reach out to Sister Tiara or Mother Arlene for their addresses. Our students recently shared their experience and gratitude in our 10/2/21 HLDT Newsletter, which can be found here.


Sister RaeJanay A. Carr is studying at BarClay College, for a Bachelor’s with a Major in Family Psychology and Social Studies. She will also receive a BA for Division of Bible and Ministry, Class of 2022.

You can bless Sister RaeJanay through CashApp ($RaeJanay) or by purchasing something from her college registry from Target found here: https://www.target.com/gift-registry/giftgiver?registryId=ae3d702730ed4601a9678dae02b589af&lnk=registry_custom_url

Sister Kiarra “Keke” Thompson is at Pickens Technical College working towards her License in Cosmetology.

You can bless Sister Kiki through CashApp ($kekebraids27).

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