HLDT Weekly Update 10/11-17



Elect Lady Rae reached out to the apartment manager of those who lost their homes due to arson. They have had such a great response from the community, that they are no longer in need of any items! God is so good!! In turn, we were then able to bless families in Sudan, Africa with donations of 6 bags and a bin of clothing and shoes.

We will continue to host store days, but we are also opening up opportunities for community members to come shop by appointment. If you know of any individuals or families in need, please reach out to Sister Ama.



We would like to add more testimonies and ministry highlights in our weekly newsletters. We invite you to share of God's greatness. There is a share link on the HLDT website; you can also email holylovedeltemp@gmail.com or speak with Sister Ama. 


In December, HLDT will be coordinating a Secret Blessings ministry. We will be exchanging names at the beginning of November and opening sign up on the website very soon. More details to come!


Friends and Family Day: Next Sunday, October 17th

Mark your Calendars: Next Leadership Meeting is October 30th, 11am 

College Ministries: Please pray for our students and reach out to Sister Tiara to send encouragements and blessings.

Visual Bible Study: Chosen, Season 2, 6:30p. in the Fellowship Hall. 

Bible Study: New time, 6:30p. on Tuesday, on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Website: HLDTChurch.org                          

Instagram: @HLDTChurch 

Hospitality Ministry: Sign up sheet is in the “cleaning closet” and online (under Hospitality Ministries). 

Prayer Line: New Number, 540-792-0160, Passcode: 532677

Coffee and Fellowship: If you would like to bring something to share, you can reach out to Sister Kiya or Sister Ama, or sign up online. 

Children’s Ministry: Reach out to Bishop Harvey to help support our Children’s Ministry.


  October Birthdays 

10/7 Lil Sis Miracle 

 10/9 - Mother Arlene

10/7 Lil Sis Miracle 

HLDT Calendar for 10/11 - 10/17

Monday - 10/11

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 10/12

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Bible Study

Wed - 10/13

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 10/14

12p: Prayer Line

Fri - 10/15

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Visual Bible Study

Sat - 10/16

11a: Ministry Minded

10a: Men’s Fellowship

12p: Women’s Fellowship

1p: Praise Team

Sun - 10/17

9a: Coffee and Fellowship

10a: Worship and Praise


HLDT Weekly Update 10/18-24
