Newsletter for November 20 - 27


Sunday - 11/20 

Family & Friends Sunday

9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

10a: Worship and Praise - Sunday Service, followed by Brunch

Monday - 11/21

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 11/22

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

6:30p: HLDT Corporate Prayer & Bible Study

Wed - 11/23

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 11/24

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

6:00p: HLDT Corporate Prayer

Fri - 11/25

12p: Prayer Line

Sat - 11/26

1:15p: Praise Team Practice

Sun - 11/27

9a: Coffee + Fellowship

9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

10a: Worship and Praise - Sunday Service



11/5 Brother Keyshawn

11/13 Sister Paula 

11/16 Lil’ Sis’ Dashiya  

11/30 Sister Kiki (Thompson)


11/18 - Nate & Tia’ra Washington

Let us know about upcoming events and activities in your family's life so we can share with our church family.

Welcome family, friends, neighbors, and guests. We are blessed to have each of you with us today to worship. The third Sunday of each month is our HLDT Family and Friends Day. We welcome and thank our guests for visiting our church today. Following service, please join us in our Fellowship Room for Brunch. Thank you Sister Sheina for providing our meal this month, Taco Soup. We would also like to thank everyone who helped to set up for today. 

We would love to see you again.  This week’s ministry schedule is to the left, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Bishop Harvey or Elect Lady Raesheia.


HLDT is coordinating a Secret Blesser Ministry this winter. We will exchange names today. HLDT hosts this ministry to give members an opportunity to learn more about each other, while having fun as a group. There is no obligation to participate, but we encourage all to join in on the fun. There will be two groups, one for the kids and one for adults. We are suggesting spending under $20. We will exchange gifts at our HLDT Winter/End of Year Fellowship.


Come together to pray in unity with your church family, Tuesdays at 6:30pm (Fellowship Hall & Call-in Line) and Thursday at 6pm (Call-In Line). 

Call #: 540-792-0160, Pass Code: 532677

We also have Corporate Prayer each Sunday at 9:30am, following Coffee and Fellowship. 

This month has been filled with many blessings. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!

Sister Paula has been in WY for the past few weeks training for a new position and this week she graduated. Congratulations Sister Paula on your new position and thank God for making a way and taking care of her family during this time. 

Thanking God for safe travels and blessed visits for both the Evans and Rosen families as they went out of state to see family. 

Mother Ruthie has been blessed with a home of her own. Thanking God for providing and for all of those who took time to help Mother Ruthie with moving and getting set up. 

We would like to welcome Torrie Nubine and family to Colorado from Las Vegas. Thanking God for helping them make their way here. 

Thank you to everyone who came to Keyshawn's 16th birthday celebration. It was a very blessed day. If you were not able to make it and would still like to bless him, please reach out to Sister Ronetta

Thank you to everyone who came to see Zo’Ryan at his game on Thursday. 

The Washingtons celebrated 6 years of marriage on the 18th. Thank God for supporting Nate and Tia'ra throughout their marriage.


As the holidays and the end of the year approaches, please keep our students in your prayers and reach out with encouragement and support. Sister Tia’ra and Sister Ronetta lead our Student Ministries; please reach out to them with any questions or to bless them. 


Coffee and Fellowship: Sunday, 9am.

HLDT Corporate Prayer: Sunday, 9:30am., Tuesday 6:30pm, & Thursday 6pm. 

Worship: Sunday at 10am.

Friends and Family Sunday: Third Sunday 

Holy Communion: Last Sunday of the month

HLDT Prayer Line: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon.

Weekly Fasting: Tuesday & Thursday, until 12p 

Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30p., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Friday Night Service/Visual Bible Study: Fridays, 6:30pm.

Heirs of Promise: 1st & 3rd Saturday, 12pm. 

Praise Team Practice: Saturday, 1:15p. 

Food Bank of the Rockies: Second Saturday of the Month, 8:45a-12p.


Noon Prayer Line: Only on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, 12pm. Tuesday & Thursday we have evening Corporate Prayer at 6:30 & 6pm.

HLDT Businesses: Please let us know about your personal or family business so we can share with our church family. Reach out to Elect Lady Raesheia or Sister Ama. 

Call in Line: 540-792-0160, Code: 532677

CashApp: $HolyLoveDT


Newsletter for November 27th - December 4th


Newsletter for October 2nd - 9th