Celebrating The Thanksgiving Holiday: Are We to Thank God for Everything… Including Bad Things?

“Thanksgiving Season is approaching and traditionally it is a time for all of us to reflect on the things for which we are to give thanks to God.

Since so many of God’s people are going through major trials in their lives, many find it difficult to be thankful. When we do face difficulties, that is the time we need to be more thankful than ever, as the Lord has promised us that He will be in our midst to help us overcome every trial and evil thing.

Evil things do not come from God. They come from the devil. When we are experiencing bad things, we need to thank the Lord that He is there to help us to overcome them. The scripture tells us that in everything we are to be thankful.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

This scripture does not mean that the problems we are experiencing are the will of God for our lives, but rather, being thankful in the midst of our trial is the will of God. We are not thanking God for the attacks of the enemy that bring sickness, poverty, fear and a host of other tribulations, but rather we are thanking God that He is still God and is with us to see us through those tribulations.

We are not to allow the enemy to rob us of a thankful spirit and a spirit of joy while we are experiencing challenging and bad circumstances. There is only one way that we can have a joyful heart during our trials and that is to allow the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His faith, hope and love.”

You can continue reading this message from Betty Miller on the BibleResource.org website.


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