HLDT Weekly Update 10/25-10/31


Friday, October 29th, 6PM

This Friday at 6pm is our HLDT Harvest Fellowship. This is a family-friendly event that will feature delicious autumn foods, fun games and crafts for the kids, and lots of fellowship. 

If you would like to help decorate, bring a dish, or host games, please contact Sister Ama. 

There will be no Visual Bible Study this week

Share God’s Greatness

We would like to add testimonies and more ministry highlights to our weekly newsletters and the HLDT website. There is a share link on the website and/or you can email holylovedeltemp@gmail.com or contact Sister Ama.

We would also love to include your photos from fellowships, worship, programs, and family night. You can email them to holylovedeltemp@gmail.com or text them to (720) 335-5358.

HLDT Calendar 10/25-10/31

Monday - 10/25

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 10/26

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Bible Study

Wed - 10/27

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 10/28

12p: Prayer Line

Fri - 10/29

12p: Prayer Line

🌾6p: Harvest Fellowship🌾

Sat - 10/30

10a: Men’s Fellowship

11a: Leadership Meeting

1p: Praise Team

Sun - 10/31

9a: Coffee and Fellowship

10a: Worship and Praise


Leadership Meeting: Sat, October 30th, 11am 

BlessYou’Tique: Community members can now shop by appointment. Contact Sister Ama or use website to set up a time. 

Secret Blesser: Exchanging names the beginning of November

Women’s Ministry Month, November: Reach out to Elect Lady Rae to support

College Ministries: Please pray for our students and reach out to Sister Tiara to send encouragements and blessings.

Bible Study: New time, 6:30p. on Tuesday, on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Visual Bible Study: Chosen, Season 2

CashApp: $HolyLoveDT

Hospitality Ministry: Sign up sheet is in the “cleaning closet” and online 

Prayer Line: 540-792-0160, Passcode: 532677

Coffee and Fellowship: If you would like to bring something to share, you can reach out to Sister Kiya or Sister Ama, or sign up online. 

Children’s Ministry: Reach out to Bishop Harvey to help support our Children’s Ministry. 

Instagram: @HLDTChurch


2 Days Left!! to Support Sister Kiki’s Fundraiser


HLDT Weekly Update 10/18-24