Introducing Minister Richard Nubine

Minister Richard H. Nubine is the second child of Hardy and Leola Nubine. He was born and raised here in Denver, CO. He has an older sister, Pastor Lily Richardson, and a younger brother, Bernard Nubine. He was introduced to God at an early age by his parents, his grandparents, the late Bishop H. F. Kelly of New Jerusalem C.O.G.I.C., and Bishop Chester Nubine. 

Although Richard was in church from childhood, it wasn’t until he was in the “belly of his fish” that he truly gave his life to the Lord and intentionally developed a relationship with Him through prayer, fasting, and keeping his “face in the book” not to be confused with being on Facebook. Even though there was a call on his life, he ran from it, as many do, until he was “swallowed up”.

Richard is a percussionist, dabbles on the piano, is teaching himself to play the bass guitar, is a singer/song writing gospel rap artist, a poet and has a love for drawing. He is the “husband of one wife” (1 Timothy 3:2), his life partner, soulmate, his SweetP, and partner in ministry-Minister Paula Nubine. Together they have five sons, and five grandchildren. He has a heart for God and for God’s people and has literally given the shirt off his back to a fellow in need. He trained to be a boxer, and is a former basketball, and football player, who now strategizes and studies the playbook of the Almighty (the Bible) diligently to be suited up and in his starting position for his most important roles…Man of God, Husband, Prince, Protector, Provider, Brother, Son, Father, Grandfather, Mentor, and Carrier of the Word of God. 


Newsletter for January 10th - January 16th


Newsletter for January 3rd - January 9th