INTRODUCING Minister Paula Nubine (11/21 HLDT Speaker)

Holy Love Deliverance Temple is proud to have Minister Paula Nubine as our November 21st Women’s Ministry Month Speaker. Minister Paula Nubine is the second of three daughters born to Pastor Lawrence O. and Shirley C. Price. She's the wife of Richard H. Nubine and together they have five sons, and four grandchildren.

She's a "PK" and has been involved in church ministry since she was a toddler, accepting the Lord as her savior at the early age of six. Although born in Washington, D. C., Colorado has been home for most of her life. After graduating from high school, Paula served her country for eight years in the Army. She is a Gulf War veteran. When she separated from the service, she remained in Clarksville, TN where she worked for the police department while being actively involved in the music ministry of her church. This affiliation blessed her with the opportunity to provide back-up, record, and travel with several professional Gospel and Country music artists.

Upon returning home to Colorado, she joined My Father's House ICDC and became an active member of the ministry. She is a psalmist and an integral part of the Praise Team, as well as the dance praise ministry “Divinity”. She is now a member of Holy Love Deliverance Temple and blessed to call this her church home. Paula accepted her call to preach, the Word of God, in 2003 despite opposition because she's a woman. She knows God equipped her when He called her, and that's what matters. He made her an articulate, compassionate, kind, and love-filled carrier of His word; whether spoken, through song, a hug or a smile. Paula does not take this responsibility lightly, she knows it is an honor and a privilege to be entrusted to carry His Word, and opens her heart and her mouth to allow the Holy Spirit to fill it, and to have His way.

 Whether serving her family, her pastors (as armor bearer), the elderly in the nursing homes, the homeless, serving on the usher board, singing with the youth or adult choirs, leading the single's or couple’s ministry, working security, in daycare or a classroom, or facilitating Word School or Family Life Group (small group ministry), “Graciously Given” and “Remembering You” card sending services, she has a passion for God's people, and is committed to serve. She is an entrepreneur with a business birthed from her passion for the people, “Romantique Interludes,”' which is designed to enhance the romance of marriage for couples in covenant with God. 

All of these attributes make up just a bit of who Minister Paula is, but what truly matters to her are the following titles “Wife”, “Mother”, “Child of God”, “Daughter of Zion”, “Joint Heir to the Throne”, “Jesus’ Little Sister”, “Humbly Chosen Vessel”, “Kingdom Builder”, “Ambassador for Christ”… She just wants everyone to know who’s she is, that she belongs to God!!!!


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HLDT Newsletter 11/15-21