Newsletter for January 17th - January 23rd


Men’s and Women’s Fellowships on Thursday and Saturday are canceled this week. Bishop is putting together a program to coordinate our classes for 2022 and allow for the lessons to be on one accord. Please use the extra time this week to praise God and fellowship on your own with other members; call and check in with friends, get together for lunch or a coffee, or take a walk together. 

We will have Bible Study on Tuesday night, Bishop encourages everyone to make it in person or on the line, and Visual Bible Study on Friday; both at 6:30pm. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Bishop. 


This month our clothing ministry was able to bless many people with clothing and resources including, the A.W.A.R.E Center for their behavioral health clients in need of clothing, Teri collected items for a friend in need, and Wendy who lost weight due to cancer lost and was in need need of comfy smaller clothes. If you or someone you know is in need, please reach out to Elect Lady Raesheia or Sister Ama.

** We are collecting information on community resources for those in need. If you know of a program or opportunity we can add to our list, please email to


The HLDT family would like to congratulate the McCormicks, their daughter was ordained this past week in Texas. 


Friday night the HLDT family enjoyed a beautiful evening together. Spiderman surprised Little Brother Joshua and taught the kids all some superhero moves. Congratulations to Sister Nikki, who won the raffle grand prize, a 50” Smart TV.

Holy Love would like to extend a very big thank you to the McCormicks for their generous support of our Winter Fellowship. This was a special evening for the HLDT family where everyone was able to come together and enjoy one another.         

Thank you Minister McCormick and Sister Michelle, you truly helped to make this evening a success.


1/8 Sister Ama

1/11 Sister Michelle

1/25 Lil’ Bro DJ

1/26 Minister Richard

HLDT Calendar for 1/17 - 1/23

Monday - 1/17

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 1/18

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Bible Study

Wed - 1/19

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 1/20

12p: Prayer Line

Fri - 1/21

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Visual Bible Study

Sat - 1/22

11a: Heirs of Promise

1:15p: Praise Team

Sun - 1/23

9a: Coffee and Fellowship

10a: Worship and Praise


Coffee and Fellowship: Every Sunday morning at 9am. Contact Sister Ama to support. 

Worship: Every Sunday at 10a.

Holy Communion: Last Sunday of each month; Next Worship with Communion is Jan 30th.

Weekly Fasting: Each Tuesday and Thursday, until noon.

Bible Study: Each Tuesday at 6:30p., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Thursday Women’s Fellowship: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, each month. No fellowship on the 20th. 

Visual Bible Study: Fridays, 6:30pm; Chosen, Season 2. 

Heirs of Promise: Every Saturday 11am. 

Men’s Fellowship: Every other Saturday; No fellowship on January 22nd.

Saturday Women’s Fellowship:  Every other Saturday; No fellowship on January 22nd.

Praise Team Practice: Every Saturday, 1:15p. 

Food Bank of the Rockies: 2nd Saturday each month from 1-4pm, starting February 12th.

Nursing Home Ministry: Last Saturday of the month, 10:30a; January 29th. 




The confession of our mouths will eventually bring forth the things we speak.