Newsletter for July 17 - July 24


7/10 Deacon Kier

7/11 Lil Sis Dalilia

7/16 Lil Sis Heaven

7/17 Bishop Harvey

7/17 Sister Raejaney


Welcome Family & Friends - The third Sunday of each month, HLDT Church extends an extra warm invite to our families, friends, and neighbors.

Today is also our Bishop Harvey Nubine’s birthday. Happy Birthday Bishop! We are extra blessed to have our friends here with us to worship the Lord today.

After service, please join us in the Fellowship Hall for our Family and Friend’s Brunch with food, fellowship, and cake.


Reminder: The HLDT Summer Fellowship Picnic is at the end of the month - Saturday, July 30th.

If you haven’t RSVP’d
yet, please do so after
service today. You can
also sign up to support the event (on the second page of clipboard). If you have any questions, please reach out to Sister Paula or Sister Ama.

Thank you to all who came to celebrate Heaven’s 10th birthday. It was a wonderful afternoon of fellowship.


Sun - 7/17

Family and Friends Day

9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

10a: Worship and Praise, followed by Brunch and Fellowship

Monday - 7/18

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 7/19

<< Fasting Until Noon >>
12p: Prayer Line
6:30p: HLDT Corporate Prayer/Bible Study

Wed - 7/20

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 7/21

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

12p: Prayer Line
6p: HLDT Corporate Prayer

Fri - 7/22

12p: Prayer Line 6:30p: Visual Bible Study

Sat - 7/23

1:15p: Praise Team Practice

Sun - 7/24

9a: Coffee + Fellowship 9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer 10a: Worship and Praise


We will let you know once we are able to resume with this ministry. While this ministry is on pause, please reach out to Bishop or Elect Lady if you know of additional ways we can support our community.


Send us your photos from fellowships, events, family night, and celebrations. You can email them to or text them to (303) 217-6688.

Also, let us know activities your children are involved in this summer, so we can support.


Corporate Prayer after Fasting on Tuesday & Thursday: Join us in the Fellowship Hall and on the Call-in Line Tuesdays at 6:30pm and on the Call-in Line Thursday at 6pm; come together to pray in unity with your church family.

We also have Corporate Prayer on Sundays at 9:30am, following Coffee and Fellowship. If you have any questions, please reach out to Bishop.

Call #: 540-792-0160, Pass Code: 532677


Church Clean Up Support Needed: If you are able to bless our ministry with cleaning assistance, please reach out to Elect Lady

Summer Fellowship Picnic: Saturday, July 30th, 10:30AM-2:30PM at Country Lane Park. Join us for food, games, & fellowship

Women’s Walking Group: Meet up Monday-Friday mornings. Reach out to Elect Lady to add your # to the text group.


A special thank you to Sister Sheina and Lil’ Sis’ Heaven for blessing us last Sunday with your voices.

CashApp: $HolyLoveDT

1602 S Parker Road, Denver, CO - HLDTChurch.Org - (303) 217-6688


Coffee and Fellowship: Sunday, 9am.

HLDT Corporate Prayer: Sunday, 9:30am., Tuesday 6:30pm, & Thursday 6pm.

Worship: Sunday at 10am.

Friends and Family Sunday: Third Sunday.

Holy Communion: Last Sunday of the month

HLDT Prayer Line: Weekdays at noon.

Weekly Fasting: Tuesday and Thursday, until noon.

Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30p., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall.

Friday Night Service: Every other Friday; 6:30pm.

Visual Bible Study: Every other Friday, 6:30pm.

Heirs of Promise: 1st & 3rd Saturday, 12:00pm.

Praise Team Practice: Saturday, 1:15p.

Food Bank of the Rockies: 2nd Saturday each month from 1-4pm.


Newsletter for August 7 - 13


Newsletter for July 10 - July 17