Newsletter for March 26th - April 2nd


Sun - 3/26

9a: Coffee + Fellowship

9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

10a: Worship and Praise

Monday - 3/27

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 3/28

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

6:30p: HLDT Corporate Prayer & Bible Study

Wed - 3/29

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 3/30

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

6:00p: HLDT Corporate Prayer

Fri - 3/31

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Friday Service

Sat - 4/1

12p: HOP Practice

1p: Praise Team Practice

Sun - 4/2

9a: Coffee + Fellowship

9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

10a: Worship and Praise Service


3/1 Sis Nikki

3/1 Sis Tanayjah

3/1 Bro Will

3/3 Bro Deondre

3/9 Lil’ Sis Dot

3/12 Mother Ruthie

3/13 Sis Ronetta

3/14 Sis Shenia

3/17 Lil’ Bro Zion

3/20 Lil’ Sis Kailani 


Coffee and Fellowship: Sunday at 9am.

HLDT Corporate Prayer: Sunday 9:30am., Tuesday 6:30pm, & Thursday 6pm. 

Sunday Worship: Sunday at 10am.

Holy Communion: Last Sunday of the month

HLDT Prayer Line: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon.

Weekly Fasting: Tuesday & Thursday, until 12pm. 

Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30pm., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Friday Night Service/Visual Bible Study: Alternating Fridays, 6:30pm.

Friday Night Worship: Alternating Fridays, 7pm.

Heirs of Promise: 1st & 3rd Saturday, 12pm. 

Praise Team Practice: Saturday, 1:15pm. 


HLDT Businesses: Please let us know about your personal or family business so we can share with our church family. 

Family and Friends Sundays: We are placing our HLDT Family and Friends Sunday ministry on pause. If you would like to support this ministry in the future, please talk with Elect Lady.

Heirs of Promise (HOP): Meets the first and third Saturday of each month at noon; this month they will meet on April 2nd and 16th. If you have any questions, please speak with Elect Lady Raesheia.

Youth Sunday Service: Brother Eze’trick will be working with the youth for a new Sunday Service Youth Ministry. If you would like for your child to be a part of this ministry, you may speak with Bro Eze’trick; he is collecting names of those who would like to be involved. If you have any questions you can also speak with Bishop; he is praying on a start date for this ministry. 

Call in Line: 540-792-0160, Code: 532677

CashApp: $HolyLoveDT

Thank you Sister Ronetta for taking the youth to Lava Island in February.


Know of a great community resource, event, or opportunity? Let us know and we will add them to the next newsletter. 

Spring/Summer City of Aurora Grants and Programs - Sis Ama has used these grants for her neighborhood. If you have any questions about the process, she encourages you to reach out to her. 

Know Your Neighbor Mini-Grant: $100 gift card towards a small neighborhood block party or a $100 Home Depot gift card for a clean-up event, giving resources to support connections and bring neighbors together.

Small Neighborhood Activity Mini-Grant: This grant is open to the Neighborhood Registration Program participants and offers up to $250 to develop your neighborhood group and organize neighborhood events. Examples include entertainment for a festival, neighborhood t-shirts, neighborhood sports tournament, or even supplies for a front lawn get together. 

Neighborhood Movie Kit: Registered Neighborhood Groups are invited to borrow a city-supplied movie kit to host a movie night.

Free Seeds from Aurora Library: Visit the Seed Library on the Lower Level of the Central Aurora Library (Chambers/Alameda). The Seed Library is a collection of open-pollinated and heirloom seeds.


Newsletter for April 2nd - April 9th


Newsletter for March 19th - March 26th