Newsletter for May 30 - June 5


Monday - 5/30

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 5/31

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Bible Study

Wed - 6/1

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 6/2

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

12p: Prayer Line

Fri - 6/3

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Visual Bible Study

Sat - 6/4

12:00p: Heirs of Promise Practice

1:15p: Praise Team Practice

Sun - 6/5

9a: Coffee + Fellowship

9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

10a: Worship and Praise 


Coffee and Fellowship has moved to an earlier time, 9am, before Corporate Prayer; no Coffee + Fellowship on the 3rd Sunday of the month, Family and Friends Day. 

Corporate Prayer will follow at 9:30a and service will start at 10am. If you have any questions about this change, please see Bishop.


5/5 Lil’ Sis Daisy

5/8 Brother Richard Nubine

5/10 Brother Anthony

5/17 Lil’ Sis Serenity


6/1 Mother Shirley 

6/13 Sister Cassedee 

6/26 Papa Richard

6/26 Brother Terrance 


Coffee and Fellowship: Sunday, 9am.

HLDT Corporate Prayer: Sunday, 9:30am.

Worship: Sunday at 10am.

Friends and Family Sunday: Third Sunday.

Holy Communion: Last Sunday of the month

HLDT Prayer Line: Weekdays at noon.

Weekly Fasting: Tuesday and Thursday, until noon.

Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30p., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Friday Night Service: Every other Friday; 6:30pm.

Visual Bible Study: Every other Friday, 6:30pm.

Heirs of Promise: 1st & 3rd Saturday, 12:00pm; 

Praise Team Practice: Saturday, 1:15p. 

Food Bank of the Rockies: 2nd Saturday each month from 1-4pm.

Nursing Home Ministry: Last Saturday of the month, 10:30a.


From Elect Lady Raesheia, “A huge thank you to Della for allowing us to utilize her backyard. She was able to get help from all over to make Jais graduation party a success. We had tables, chairs, canopies. Keir grilled, Niki came in a little later to assist. Papa Richard and Mother contributed as well as Sheina and Ronnetta. it was a blessed successful event because we have a huge support system within our church community!” Above photo is Jai with Gateway staff. Dean, communications, and peer support

We would also like to thank Bishop and all supporters that came out to Transformations Women's Day Service to support Elect Lady and all the speakers that went forth in the word from the Lord. It was an awesome blessed service. 


Our nursing home ministry is on pause for a couple weeks, as the visitor policy at Franklin Nursing Home has temporarily changed. We will let you know once we are able to resume with this ministry. 


Please Share: Send us your photos from fellowships, events, family night, and celebrations: (720) 295-8790‬.

College Ministry: Please reach out to Sister Ronnetta to bless our college students. 

Hospitality Ministry: Keep all non-water drinks in the Fellowship Hall. After eating, check around you for crumbs and sweep up.

HLDT Families: Let others be a blessing to you.  Many in the church are willing and available to assist. If you have an unmet need, please reach out to Elect Lady.

Support Needed: Please see Sister Paula to help with hospitality & Sister Ama to support our HLDT events. 

Church Picnic Fellowship: July 30th, 10am. Please reach out to Elect Lady to help plan this event or if you have any questions. 

Make it Official: Please fill out a member information card, located in the Fellowship Hall.

CashApp: $HolyLoveDT

College Ministry: Please reach out to Sister Ronnetta to bless our college students. 

Hospitality Ministry: Keep all non-water drinks in the Fellowship Hall. After eating, check around you for crumbs and sweep up.


Congratulations to all of our students for making it through the school year. We are very proud of each and every one of you. 

Are your kids involved in sports or activities this summer? Let us know so we can support them. 

And if you have anything to highlight or report in regards to progress or in recognition of something good they did. We would love to acknowledge them.


Newsletter for June 6 - June 12


Newsletter for May 23 - May 29