Outreach Ministries

“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

- Mark 16:15


Secret Blesser

“‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

- Mark 12:31

For the end of December, HLDT will be coordinating a Secret Blessings ministry. With this, we will draw names and participants will look to find a very special gift that is fit for their church member. You can talk with their family or friends, arrange a coffee date to secretly gain intel on their likes and needs, or watch (respectfully) and chat with them at fellowships to learn more about them. We host this ministry to give members an opportunity to learn more about other members, while having fun as a group. We will exchange gifts at the end of December at an End of Year Fellowship.

There is no obligation to participate, but we encourage all to join in on the fun. There will be two groups, one for the kids and one for adults. We are suggesting spending under $20.

Let the Holy Ghost lead you and let you bless a Sister/Brother with something special.

We will be exchanging names November 7th after Worship. If you would like to add your name to the list ahead, you can use the link below.

Program Lead: Elect Lady Rae


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