Newsletter for December 13th-19th


12/2 Lil’ Bro Tayden

12/5 Elect Lady Raesheia

12/5 Sister Shaquiel

12/12 Sister Tia’ra

12/14 Sister Tamiko

12/20 Sister Della

12/22 Lil’ Sis Annika 

HLDT Calendar for 12/13-12/19

Monday - 12/13

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 12/14

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Bible Study

Wed - 12/15

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 12/16

12p: Prayer Line

12p: Women’s Fellowship

Fri - 12/17

12p: Prayer Line

6p: December Youth Fellowship

Sat - 12/18

11a: Heirs of Promise

1:15p: Praise Team

Sun - 12/19

<< Friends and Family Sunday >>

9a: Coffee and Fellowship

10a: Worship and Praise


Guests are always welcome, but we like to extend an extra big welcome on the third Sunday of each month to friends, family, and neighbors to worship and fellowship with us at Holy Love Deliverance Temple. Coffee and Fellowship will be at 9AM, Worship and Praise at 10AM. 

Remember to invite someone to come to church with you and let’s have a Holy Ghost good time.


Reminder: This Friday, December 17th at 6pm in the HLDT Fellowship Hall is our December Youth Fellowship. Join us for crafts, food, and fun for all to enjoy. This event is youth-centered, but it will also be a good fellowship opportunity for our adults. 

This will be an occasion to get together and fellowship, while enjoying the true reason for celebration, our savior Jesus Christ.
All are welcome and encouraged. 


Our Winter Fellowship has been moved to Friday, January 14th, 2022, 6PM, at

Summit Events Center

411 Sable Blvd. Aurora, Co. 80011

This fellowship is an “after 5,” formal, dress-up kind of night; a wonderful evening of fellowship. Dinner will be served and we will have our Secret Blesser Exchange, as well as other fun and fellowship. 


“Let us demonstrate our love to God by giving Him the very things we are afraid to lay down, trusting that He has the best plan for our lives and would never use or abuse us. Let us truly fulfill the greatest commandment, which is to “Love the Lord our God with all our mind, soul, and strength; and to love our neighbor as ourself” (Luke 10:27). Each of us is destined to make a profound difference in the world. Let us not fall short of our destinies! Let us give the greatest Christmas gift that we have been afforded to give; one that we can give year-round – to bless the heart of God!

If you do not know God the way you want to, you can receive the gift of knowing Him right now. Simply pray to Him from your heart and ask him to forgive you for your sins and turning your back on Him. Romans 10:9: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the you shall be saved.” Ask Him to come into your life and make you a new person, born of His spirit. You can give to Him a gift He considers more dear than anything else in the world – yourself. In return, you will receive eternal life with Him, which begins the moment you are born again. May God bless each of you richly as you seek to give unto Him your all.”

              Read More at; direct link on website newsletter.


Coffee and Fellowship: Every Sunday morning at 9am. Contact Sister Ama to support. 

Worship: Every Sunday at 10a.

Holy Communion: Next communion service will be Sunday, December 26th, 2021

Prayer Line: Weekdays at 12p.; Number: 540-792-0160 Passcode: 532677

Bible Study: Each Tuesday at 6:30p., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Weekly Fasting: Tuesday and Thursday, until noon.

Thursday Women’s Fellowship: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, each month.

Visual Bible Study: Next meeting will be January 14th; Chosen, Season 2.

Men’s Fellowship: No Fellowship on 12/25. The first fellowship in January will be on the 8th. 

Saturday Women’s Fellowship:  No Fellowship on 12/25. The first fellowship in January will be on the 8th. 


Leadership Positions: The following ministries are looking for committed, dedicated, and faithful individuals to lead: Prison Ministry, Volunteer Coordinator, Children’s Ministry, Nursing Home Ministry, Dance Ministry 

Share God’s Greatness: To share, use the “share link” on the bottom of each page of the HLDT website, text/email us 295-8790‬, or fill out a card in the sanctuary.  

Hospitality Ministry: Sign up sheet is in the “cleaning closet” and online. 

CashApp: $HolyLoveDT


Newsletter for December 20th-26th


Newsletter for December 6th-12th