Newsletter for December 20th-26th


12/2 Lil’ Bro Tayden

12/5 Elect Lady Raesheia

12/5 Sister Shaquiel

12/12 Sister Tia’ra

12/14 Sister Tamiko

12/20 Sister Della

12/22 Lil’ Sis Annika 

HLDT Calendar for 12/20-12/26

Monday - 12/20

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 12/21

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Bible Study

Wed - 12/22

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 12/23

12p: Prayer Line

Fri - 12/24

12p: Prayer Line

Sat - 12/25

Christmas Day

Sun - 12/26

9a: Coffee and Fellowship

10a: Worship and Praise

<<  Holy Communion >>


Please note, the date has been changed to Friday, January 14th, 2022, 6PM, at Summit Events Center.


“This New Year, and every New Year, will hold a mixture of good and bad. In the area of tribulation, it is not what we face that will determine the outcome of any trial, but rather Who we face it with, and how we deal with it. 

This means as long as we are walking in the spirit with the Lord Jesus Christ, He will direct us as to how we are to deal with our trials. There is not one problem that we cannot overcome if we apply the Word of God to it and walk in the wisdom of God, directed by the Holy Spirit, as to how to solve it. We must also remember that no matter how many mistakes we have made and how many times we miss Him, we can start anew every day, not just the first day of a New Year, because of our Lord’s love and faithfulness toward us.”

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” 

- John 16:33

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” 

- Psalm 34:19

 Read More at; direct link on website newsletter.


“As every man purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly or out of compulsion; for God loveth the cheerful giver.” 

- 2 Corinthians 9:7

As always, we would like to thank the cheerful givers, following God’s direction. As the year comes to a close, if there is anyone who would like to give a special benevolence offering, please speak with Bishop Nubine. 


As many of you know, the tornadoes that struck the midwest this month devastated communities and many were killed in Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri and Mississippi. Damage is still being assessed, but it is evident it will take much time to rebuild these communities. 

HLDT would like to share the excess we have been blessed with and box up our clothing ministry items to send to those most in need. We are looking for volunteers to support this. Elect Lady Raesheia will be dropping off large boxes Monday, ready to be filled.  If you have time to help box and send these items, please contact Sister Ama or Mother Arlene. 


Coffee and Fellowship: Every Sunday morning at 9am. Contact Sister Ama to support. 

Worship: Every Sunday at 10a.

Holy Communion: Last Sunday of each month

Prayer Line: Weekdays at 12p.                                 Number: 540-792-0160 Passcode: 532677

Weekly Fasting: Tuesday and Thursday, until noon.

Bible Study: Each Tuesday at 6:30p., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Thursday Women’s Fellowship: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, each month.

Visual Bible Study: Fridays, 6:30pm; ; Chosen, Season 2. Next meeting will be January 7th.

Heirs of Promise: Every Saturday 11am. No practice 12/25.

Men’s Fellowship: No Fellowship on 12/25. The first fellowship in January will be on the 8th. 

Saturday Women’s Fellowship:  No Fellowship on 12/25. The first fellowship in January will be on the 8th. 

Praise Team Practice: Every Saturday, 1:15p. No practice 12/25.


Our next HLDT Leadership meeting is scheduled for January 8th, 2022 at 11am. The following ministries are looking for committed, dedicated, and faithful individuals to lead: Hospitality Ministry, Prison Ministry, Volunteer Coordinator, Children’s Ministry, Nursing Home Ministry, and Dance Ministry.


 A huge THANK YOU for all those who came and supported the youth’s presentation on Friday night and their fellowship. The kids really worked hard and it was wonderful to see our Sanctuary filled with our church family and many new faces. You can send photos to (720) 295-8790‬/ and we will post to the website. 


Share God’s Greatness: To share testimonies/praise reports, please use the “share link” on the bottom of each page of the HLDT website, email/text us / (720) 295-8790‬, or fill out a card in the sanctuary.  

Hospitality Ministry: Sign up sheet is in the “cleaning closet” and online. 

CashApp: $HolyLoveDT


How to Walk in the Spirit and Hear God’s Voice


Newsletter for December 13th-19th