Mothers Brunch

Thank you to all the mothers who attended and to those who made it a huge success. Mother Arlene blessed our mothers with a beautiful presentation and Bishop graciously entertained the children. A special thank you to all of those who helped with set up and clean up, especially Mother Arlene, Elect Lady, Sister Paula, Sister Garrett, and those who brought dishes.

Our HLDT mothers enjoyed a delicious meal and much fellowship. After Elect Lady provided wisdom from the Bible on mothers and motherhood (Proverbs 31:25-30, 2 Timothy 1:5, Deuteronomy 6:6-7), each attendee shared lessons and qualities they learned from their mothers, including: God’s love and power, perseverance, kindness, prayer, cooking, honesty, growth, hospitality, generosity, and how to raise children. Mother Shirley (Sister Paula’s mother) was our guest mother for Brunch.


Newsletter for May 16 - May 22


Newsletter for May 9 - May 15